Dashboard Widget Properties

Dashboard Widget Properties

Creating a Dashboard through Config will push the Dashboard Widget out to all the users of the site or to a particular Group.

NOTE: This setting is similar in User Preferences, where a single User can choose to set up a Dashboard Widget for themselves.
  1. Select a Source
    • Selecting a Saved Search will push the Dashboard out to a particular Group that the Saved Search is assigned to
  2. Give the Dashboard Widget a Title
  3. Set the Display Type
    There are 3 options: (1) Bar Chart, (2) Line Chart, or (3) Pie Chart
  4. Set the Grouping Field – this is a list of the Custom Fields of the particular Document or Entity Type that the Saved Search or Report is based on
    NOTE: If you select a  Date Custom Field, properties for a  Date Range will appear to the right of the  Grouping Field
  5. Set the Display Options
  6. Clicking on View will show an example of what the Dashboard Widget will look like

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