Entity Type Properties

Entity Type Properties

All Entity Types need to be given a set of properties before an actual Entity (e.g. Dr. Kelly Wright) can be added to the database.

  1. EntityType Name - this is what the database stores the Entity Type as (no spaces or hyphens)
  2. Display Name - What the end-users see displayed on their screen
  3. Sort Order - If you want the Entity Type display screen to display in a specific order
  4. Custom Fields - Each instance (actual Entity) under this Entity Type must have a specific list of Custom Fields associated with it.
    • NOTE: At least one of the Custom Fields MUST have a Default Display Field checked.
    • Change the Sort order of Custom Fields displayed.
  5. Entity-Related Custom Field Properties.
  6. Change the Order of the Custom Fields (this will change the order in Users' search results as well).
  7. Group Permissions - Allow certain Groups to be able to viewedit, and/or add capabilities.

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