DX8 User Settings

DX8 User Settings

User settings are important for telling the DOMA platform how to handle what is displayed for Search Results and document viewing.


  • Show Saved Search Counts - If selected, the number of matches for a given Saved Search will be display in parentheses following each name (e. g. Default Search (3) indicates 3 matches).
  • Display Top # of Tasks - If non-zero, only the top number given of Tasks will be displayed in the sidebar (with the option of showing all).
  • Show Task Counts - If selected, the number of matches for a given task will be display in parentheses following each name (e. g. Default Task (3) indicates 3 matches).
  • Hide Tasks with no Results - If selected, Tasks that have no entities or documents matching their criteria will be hidden from the sidebar.
  • Display Top # of Saved Searches - If non-zero, only the top number given of Saved Searches will be displayed in the sidebar (with the option of showing all).
  • Hide Saved Searches with no Results - If selected, Saved Searches that have no entities or documents matching their criteria will be hidden from the sidebar.


  • Display Thumbnails - If selected, the column of page thumbnail images will be displayed on the side of the viewer.
  • Forms PDF Mode - Specifies the default options that should be taken when the user tries to open a PDF - if it should be opened in DIAL, a default PDF viewer, or prompt the user for their choice at the time.
  • Viewer Mode - Specifies if the documents should be resized to fit to the page size, or the width of the document viewer. 
  • Close DIAL on Save - If selected, the DIAL viewer will close automatically after the user clicks Save or Complete.


  • Results Per Page will limit how many Search Results will display.
    • Example - a Saved Search pulls 150 results, but by limiting the "per page" amount, only 10 will be visible on the page initially. The remaining 140 results will be visible on 14+ results pages that the user can navigate to.
  • Sub-search Results per Result will limit how many related documents per relationship type will display.


  • Show Full Text in Journal Grid - Click to toggle if the full text in a journal entry should be displayed in the grid, or if it should default to truncated (this can be changed on the journal grid screen).

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